What's going on?
This is Week 12 (started April 20)
According to the thesis course progress board, my critical goals are:
- Presentation outline
- Poster outline - Not accomplished
- Improve design doc
Specifically, my tasks are:
- (04/26) Sketch poster outline
- (04/26) Improve design document
- (04/26) Develop presentation outline
- (04/26) Improve Prototype
- (04/21) [LATE] Update Progress Board, Week12 log, Class Schedule
- (04/25) Fixed Landscape Audit PDF/Menu bug
- (04/25) Began presentation outline
- (04/26) Update Progress Board, Week13 log, Class Schedule
- User testing section - Due 30/04
- Improve Design Rationale - Due 30/04
- Improve Content section - Due 30/04
Outline ConclusionMoved to final week
Next class: Presentations, Part I.