Writing: Flow and Style

Where: MAGNET Computer Lab

Participants: Gui Bueno, Others, Jenna Pierce

Duration: 120min


  • Explain the purpose and main secitons of a design document DMDL thesis paper
  • Show how I am structuring content and explain what I am currently struggling with
  • Let Jenna read the first section of the paper and make suggestions/corrections
  • Get general feedback on how to structure the content I have in a better narrative
The face of enthusiasm


  • Discussed and fixed a few weird sentences, grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Decided to move 'Method' section to the design rationale part
  • Also, remove/change 'Overview section' and move 'Integration' to 'Context/Settings'
  • Focus on the following problems:
    • Too many resources which don't explain to you why they function in certain way (why you should emphasize some practices over others
    • Besides that, such resources and other language learning trainings action detract from the actual objective
  • Make sure I use the weight-lifting metaphor