Narrative Brainstorm
Where: MAGNET 821
Participants: Gui Bueno, Others, Brad Tamura
Duration: 120min
- How to create a nice, engagin narrative based on the idea of a LanguageBug?
- Explain initial ideas, expand ideas and settle on an initial version
- Each bug corresponds to a Principle, which causes a certain 'good infection'
- Listed initial suggestions of names, species and principles of main bugs
- Underlying narrative is that user has been bitten by one LanguageBug
- After that, this affects the learner's mental acitivty and perception
- This generates changes in behavior and a superior language learning ability
- I should avoid the word 'disease', and talk more about 'infections' only
- Possibly begin the presentation with a regular generic language app
- Then, the screen is taken by bugs and the user get bitten by them